Sunday, December 11, 2011

1500 Point List

Competing in a hobby shop vs. hobby shop match tomorrow where each person brings a 1500 point Space Marine list.  I wanted to try out my new Contemptor Dreadnought so came up with a Blood Angels list based around it.

HQ: Librarian
Gear:  Jump Pack, Infernus Pistol.
Psyker powers:  The Sanguine Sword, Unleash Rage

Blood Angels Pattern Contemptor Dreadnought
Gear:  Blood Talons, Storm Bolter, Meltagun

Sanguinary Priests x2
Gear: Jump Pack

Assault Marines x 10
Gear:  Meltagun x2, Power Fist, Infernus Pistol

Assault Marines x 10
Gear:  Meltagun x2, Power Fist, Infernus Pistol

Assault Marines x 5
Gear:  Meltagun, Power Fist, Infernus Pistol

Heavy Support:
Gear:  Twin-linked Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon

Gear: Storm bolter, Dozer blade

The idea is the 5-man squad and the Librarian fly in with the Dreadnought loaded in the Stormraven.
The Vindicator is there for heavy artillery
The two 10-man squads fly in each with a priest to attack as the vanguard.

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